Local Gastroenterologist to Discuss Latest Info on Celiac Disease July 12You’ve may have seen the news stories about celiac disease and you’ve probably seen the “gluten-free” labels on some of your favorite Nature’s Bin products. If you’ve got questions about celiac disease and gluten free diets, join Dr. Owen Tully, a gastroenterologist from North Shore Gastroenterology to learn more!
Dr. Tully will talk about celiac disease, its symptoms, how it is diagnosed and the other diseases as which it may masquerade. Nature’s Bin will provide samples of many of the tasty gluten-free products available at the store.
If you are curious, join Dr. Tully and Nature’s Bin to hear the most up-to-date information about celiac disease and gluten-free food choices.
Tuesday, July 12th, 6:00 p.m.
Lakewood Congregational Church 1375 West Clifton
Lakewood, Ohio
Dr. Tully’s presentation is free but registration is required. Register at Eventbrite.com or with a Nature’s Bin cashier.
Mary Johnson
Nature's Bin
18120 Sloane Avenue
Lakewood, OH 44107
Phone: 216.521.4600
Friday, July 1, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Celiac Disease Conference, Saturday March 5, 2011
Celiac Disease Conference at Akron Children's Hospital will be on Saturday March 5, 2011
The conference is nearly filled. You must be preregistered to attend. If you have not registered email Therese at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com to see if there is still room.
Schedule of the day
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Vendors 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Timeline Lobby and Sherman Auditorium Lobby
Speaker Schedules
Adult Program Sherman Auditorium
11:00 Opening Remarks
11:10 – 12:15 Dr Alessio Fasano
12:15 – 1:00 Deititian Trisha Lyons
1:00 – 1:30 Break
1:30 -2:15 Dr. Costas Kefalas
2:15 – 3:00 Dr Cydney Fenton
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 4:00 Pharmacist Steve Plogsted
Tot and Parent Program
11:00 Opening Remarks Sherman Auditorium
11:10 – 12:15 Dr Alessio Fasano
12:15 move to Café A
12:15 – 12:45 Visit vendor fair with parents, without crowd
12:45 – 1:45 Akron Zoo experience animals that eat gluten free
1:45 – 2:15 Questions and Answers with Dr. Fasano, Dr. Fenton and Dr. Smith
2:15 – 3:00 Dietitian Trisha Lyons Basics of the gluten free diet for your child
3:00 – 3:45 Bake and Take provided by Food-Tek
3:45 Closing and door prizes
School Age Program Café B
11:00 parent sign in. Children can not leave the area without an adult. If a parent
11:15 – 11:45 Visit the vendor fair without a crowd
11:45- 12:45 Akron Zoo Experience, meet animals that eat gluten free
1:00 – 1:30 Break with Parents
1:30 – 2:15 Bake and Take by Food-Tek
2:15 – 3:00 Questions and answers with Dr. Fasano and Dr. Smith
3:00 Parent check in
3:15 – 3:45 Gluten free food with Dietitian Trisha Lyons
3:45 go to Auditorium to meet up with parents, Door prizes and closing @ 4
We would like to thank the following for their support of this conference
Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology Department
More than Gourmet www.morethangourmet.com
Mustard Seed Market and Café www.mustardseedmarket.com
CSA (Celiac Sprue Association) www.csaceliacs.org/
Against the Grain www.againstthegrainslc.com
Kathy's Creations, 866-821-8183
Bob's Red Mill www.bobsredmill.com/
Pamela's Products www.pamelasproducts.com/
Living Without Magazine www.livingwithout.com/welcome.htm
Wheat-free Gluten-free Cookbooks www,gfbooks.homestead.com
Katz Gluten Free www.katzglutenfree.com
Shabtai www.shabtai-gourmet.com
Gluten Free Bakes
Lasantti http://lasanttifoods.com
Celiac Disease Foundation www.celiac.org
Bakery on Main www.bakeryonmain.com
Earth Fare www.earthfare.com
www.WeedyWays.com / www.WatkinsOnLine.com/LynnMcGinnis
Udi’s www.udisfood.com
Chebe www.chebe.com
Food-Tek www.foodtek.com
Amy’s www.amyskitchen.com
Cecelia’s Marketplace www.cecelia’smarketplace.com
National Foundation for Celaic Awareness
Celiac Disease Foundation
Joan’s Gluten free Bakes www.gfgreatbakes.com
Rudi’s www.rudisbakery.com
Dave and Jan Budai
Howard and Margaret Palmer
John and Therese Semonin
Lynn McGinnis
Cindy Koller-Kass
Mark and Kathy Walters
Esther Posen
Sue Krznarik
Kendall Smith
The conference is nearly filled. You must be preregistered to attend. If you have not registered email Therese at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com to see if there is still room.
Schedule of the day
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Vendors 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Timeline Lobby and Sherman Auditorium Lobby
Speaker Schedules
Adult Program Sherman Auditorium
11:00 Opening Remarks
11:10 – 12:15 Dr Alessio Fasano
12:15 – 1:00 Deititian Trisha Lyons
1:00 – 1:30 Break
1:30 -2:15 Dr. Costas Kefalas
2:15 – 3:00 Dr Cydney Fenton
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 4:00 Pharmacist Steve Plogsted
Tot and Parent Program
11:00 Opening Remarks Sherman Auditorium
11:10 – 12:15 Dr Alessio Fasano
12:15 move to Café A
12:15 – 12:45 Visit vendor fair with parents, without crowd
12:45 – 1:45 Akron Zoo experience animals that eat gluten free
1:45 – 2:15 Questions and Answers with Dr. Fasano, Dr. Fenton and Dr. Smith
2:15 – 3:00 Dietitian Trisha Lyons Basics of the gluten free diet for your child
3:00 – 3:45 Bake and Take provided by Food-Tek
3:45 Closing and door prizes
School Age Program Café B
11:00 parent sign in. Children can not leave the area without an adult. If a parent
11:15 – 11:45 Visit the vendor fair without a crowd
11:45- 12:45 Akron Zoo Experience, meet animals that eat gluten free
1:00 – 1:30 Break with Parents
1:30 – 2:15 Bake and Take by Food-Tek
2:15 – 3:00 Questions and answers with Dr. Fasano and Dr. Smith
3:00 Parent check in
3:15 – 3:45 Gluten free food with Dietitian Trisha Lyons
3:45 go to Auditorium to meet up with parents, Door prizes and closing @ 4
We would like to thank the following for their support of this conference
Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology Department
More than Gourmet www.morethangourmet.com
Mustard Seed Market and Café www.mustardseedmarket.com
CSA (Celiac Sprue Association) www.csaceliacs.org/
Against the Grain www.againstthegrainslc.com
Kathy's Creations, 866-821-8183
Bob's Red Mill www.bobsredmill.com/
Pamela's Products www.pamelasproducts.com/
Living Without Magazine www.livingwithout.com/welcome.htm
Wheat-free Gluten-free Cookbooks www,gfbooks.homestead.com
Katz Gluten Free www.katzglutenfree.com
Shabtai www.shabtai-gourmet.com
Gluten Free Bakes
Lasantti http://lasanttifoods.com
Celiac Disease Foundation www.celiac.org
Bakery on Main www.bakeryonmain.com
Earth Fare www.earthfare.com
www.WeedyWays.com / www.WatkinsOnLine.com/LynnMcGinnis
Udi’s www.udisfood.com
Chebe www.chebe.com
Food-Tek www.foodtek.com
Amy’s www.amyskitchen.com
Cecelia’s Marketplace www.cecelia’smarketplace.com
National Foundation for Celaic Awareness
Celiac Disease Foundation
Joan’s Gluten free Bakes www.gfgreatbakes.com
Rudi’s www.rudisbakery.com
Dave and Jan Budai
Howard and Margaret Palmer
John and Therese Semonin
Lynn McGinnis
Cindy Koller-Kass
Mark and Kathy Walters
Esther Posen
Sue Krznarik
Kendall Smith
Celiac Disease Conference, Saturday March 5, 2011 at Akron Children's Hospital
Preregistration is required for this conference. We still have a few spaces left. If you are interested please email Therese at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com
Schedule of events for
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Vendors 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Timeline Lobby and Sherman Auditorium Lobby
Speaker Schedules
Adult Program Sherman Auditorium
11:00 Opening Remarks
11:10 – 12:15 Dr Alessio Fasano
12:15 – 1:00 Deititian Trisha Lyons
1:00 – 1:30 Break
1:30 -2:15 Dr. Costas Kefalas
2:15 – 3:00 Dr Cydney Fenton
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 4:00 Pharmacist Steve Plogsted
Tot and Parent Program
11:00 Opening Remarks Sherman Auditorium
11:10 – 12:15 Dr Alessio Fasano
12:15 move to Café A
12:15 – 12:45 Visit vendor fair with parents, without crowd
12:45 – 1:45 Akron Zoo experience animals that eat gluten free
1:45 – 2:15 Questions and Answers with Dr. Fasano, Dr. Fenton and Dr. Smith
2:15 – 3:00 Dietitian Trisha Lyons Basics of the gluten free diet for your child
3:00 – 3:45 Bake and Take provided by Food-Tek
3:45 Closing and door prizes
School Age Program Café B
11:00 parent sign in. Children can not leave the area without an adult. If a parent
11:15 – 11:45 Visit the vendor fair without a crowd
11:45- 12:45 Akron Zoo Experience, meet animals that eat gluten free
1:00 – 1:30 Break with Parents
1:30 – 2:15 Bake and Take by Food-Tek
2:15 – 3:00 Questions and answers with Dr Julie Smith
3:00 Parent check in
3:15 – 3:45 Gluten free food with Dietitian Trisha Lyons
3:45 go to Auditorium to meet up with parents, Door prizes and closing @ 4
We would like to thank the following for their support of this conference
Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology Department
More than Gourmet http://www.morethangourmet.com/
Mustard Seed Market and Café http://www.mustardseedmarket.com/
CSA (Celiac Sprue Association) www.csaceliacs.org/
Kathy's Creations, 866-821-8183
Bob's Red Mill http://%20www.bobsredmill.com/
Pamela's Products www.pamelasproducts.com/
Living Without Magazine http://%20www.livingwithout.com/welcome.htm
Wheat-free Gluten-free Cookbooks www,gfbooks.homestead.com
Katz Gluten Free http://www.katzglutenfree.com/
Shabtai http://www.shabtai-gourmet.com/
Gluten Free Bakes
Pamela’s http://www.pamelasproducts.com/
Celiac Disease Foundation http://www.celiac.org/
Bakery on Main http://www.bakeryonmain.com/
Udi’s http://www.udisfood.com/
Chebe http://www.chebe.com/
Food-Tek http://www.foodtek.com/
Amy’s http://www.amyskitchen.com/
Dave and Jan Budai
Howard and Margaret Palmer
John and Therese Semonin
And Lynn McGinnis
And Cindy Koller-Kass
Mark and Kathy Walters
Esther Posen
Sue Krznarik
Kendall Smith
Schedule of events for
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Vendors 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Timeline Lobby and Sherman Auditorium Lobby
Speaker Schedules
Adult Program Sherman Auditorium
11:00 Opening Remarks
11:10 – 12:15 Dr Alessio Fasano
12:15 – 1:00 Deititian Trisha Lyons
1:00 – 1:30 Break
1:30 -2:15 Dr. Costas Kefalas
2:15 – 3:00 Dr Cydney Fenton
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 4:00 Pharmacist Steve Plogsted
Tot and Parent Program
11:00 Opening Remarks Sherman Auditorium
11:10 – 12:15 Dr Alessio Fasano
12:15 move to Café A
12:15 – 12:45 Visit vendor fair with parents, without crowd
12:45 – 1:45 Akron Zoo experience animals that eat gluten free
1:45 – 2:15 Questions and Answers with Dr. Fasano, Dr. Fenton and Dr. Smith
2:15 – 3:00 Dietitian Trisha Lyons Basics of the gluten free diet for your child
3:00 – 3:45 Bake and Take provided by Food-Tek
3:45 Closing and door prizes
School Age Program Café B
11:00 parent sign in. Children can not leave the area without an adult. If a parent
11:15 – 11:45 Visit the vendor fair without a crowd
11:45- 12:45 Akron Zoo Experience, meet animals that eat gluten free
1:00 – 1:30 Break with Parents
1:30 – 2:15 Bake and Take by Food-Tek
2:15 – 3:00 Questions and answers with Dr Julie Smith
3:00 Parent check in
3:15 – 3:45 Gluten free food with Dietitian Trisha Lyons
3:45 go to Auditorium to meet up with parents, Door prizes and closing @ 4
We would like to thank the following for their support of this conference
Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology Department
More than Gourmet http://www.morethangourmet.com/
Mustard Seed Market and Café http://www.mustardseedmarket.com/
CSA (Celiac Sprue Association) www.csaceliacs.org/
Kathy's Creations, 866-821-8183
Bob's Red Mill http://%20www.bobsredmill.com/
Pamela's Products www.pamelasproducts.com/
Living Without Magazine http://%20www.livingwithout.com/welcome.htm
Wheat-free Gluten-free Cookbooks www,gfbooks.homestead.com
Katz Gluten Free http://www.katzglutenfree.com/
Shabtai http://www.shabtai-gourmet.com/
Gluten Free Bakes
Pamela’s http://www.pamelasproducts.com/
Celiac Disease Foundation http://www.celiac.org/
Bakery on Main http://www.bakeryonmain.com/
Udi’s http://www.udisfood.com/
Chebe http://www.chebe.com/
Food-Tek http://www.foodtek.com/
Amy’s http://www.amyskitchen.com/
Dave and Jan Budai
Howard and Margaret Palmer
John and Therese Semonin
And Lynn McGinnis
And Cindy Koller-Kass
Mark and Kathy Walters
Esther Posen
Sue Krznarik
Kendall Smith
Friday, February 25, 2011
Vendors and Donors for the Celiac Disease Conference, Saturday March 5, Akron Children's Hospital
Vendors for the Conference include:
Mustard Seed Market and Cafe
Connie Sarros Gluten Free Cookbooks
More Than Gourmet
Against the Grain
Cecelia's Marketplace
The Diabetes and Endocrinology Department at Akron Children's Hospital,
Various Celiac Support Groups from the surrounding area
The Center for Celiac Research, University of Maryland
Donors that are sending us products and flyers include:
Weedy Ways
Katz Gluten Free
Living Without Magazine
Gluten Free Bakes
Bakery on Main
Bob's Red Mill
Celiac Spprue Association
Celiac Disease Foundation
National Foundation for Celiac Awareness
Mustard Seed Market and Cafe
Connie Sarros Gluten Free Cookbooks
More Than Gourmet
Against the Grain
Cecelia's Marketplace
The Diabetes and Endocrinology Department at Akron Children's Hospital,
Various Celiac Support Groups from the surrounding area
The Center for Celiac Research, University of Maryland
Donors that are sending us products and flyers include:
Weedy Ways
Katz Gluten Free
Living Without Magazine
Gluten Free Bakes
Bakery on Main
Bob's Red Mill
Celiac Spprue Association
Celiac Disease Foundation
National Foundation for Celiac Awareness
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Vendors and Donors for the March 5, 2011 Celiac Disease Conference
The following vendors are either going to be present at the vendor fair on March 5 at Akron Children's Hospital or have sent us items to place in goodie bags that will be given to each registered participant.
The Diabetes and Endocrinology Department of Akron Children's Hospital
More than Gourmet
Bakery on Main
Katz Gluten Free
Connie Sarros
Gluten Free Bakes
Celiac Disease Foundation
National Foundation for Celaic Awareness
Celiac Sprue Association
Mustard Seed Market
Bob's Red Mill
The support groups of the surrounding area
The Diabetes and Endocrinology Department of Akron Children's Hospital
More than Gourmet
Bakery on Main
Katz Gluten Free
Connie Sarros
Gluten Free Bakes
Celiac Disease Foundation
National Foundation for Celaic Awareness
Celiac Sprue Association
Mustard Seed Market
Bob's Red Mill
The support groups of the surrounding area
Monday, February 21, 2011
Lunch options for the Celaic Disease Conference at Akron Children's Hospital, March 5, 2011
The following menu items are available for purchase at the Kid's Cafe at Akron Children's Hospital on the day of the conference. They begin serving lunch at 10:30 a.m.
Gluten Free Items in the Kids Café
March 5, 2011
Lemon Baked Fish
Chicken Cacciatore
Brown Rice
Steamed Vegetable of the Day
Snack Items
Tortilla Chips
String Cheese
Gluten Free Bagels
Packaged Cheese Slices
Kozy Shack Sugar Free Pudding
All Fruits
Frozen yogurt
All Juices, Milk, and Soda
Grilled Chicken
French Fries
**Gluten free white bread, and hamburger buns will be available at the grill and main course areas by request**
Gluten Free Items in the Kids Café
March 5, 2011
Lemon Baked Fish
Chicken Cacciatore
Brown Rice
Steamed Vegetable of the Day
Snack Items
Tortilla Chips
String Cheese
Gluten Free Bagels
Packaged Cheese Slices
Kozy Shack Sugar Free Pudding
All Fruits
Frozen yogurt
All Juices, Milk, and Soda
Grilled Chicken
French Fries
**Gluten free white bread, and hamburger buns will be available at the grill and main course areas by request**
Friday, February 18, 2011
Lunch at the Celiac Disease Conference, Akron Children's Hospital, March 5, 2011
If you have not yet signed up for the Akron Celiac Disease Conference please do so soon. It is just 2 weeks away!
Speakers will be Dr. Alissio Fasano of the Celiac Disease Research Center in Maryland, Dr Costas Kefalas of Akron Digestive Disease Consultants, Dr Cydney Fenton of Akron Children's Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology Department, Dr Julie Smith of Akron Children's Hospital, Dietitian Trisha Lyons of Metro Health Medical Center and Pharmacist Steve Plogsted of Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus.
In addition to the speaker program for adults we will have a children's program and a special program for parents and tots. The tot and children's activities will include a Bake and Take provided by Food-Tek, A visit from Akron Zoo with animals who eat gluten free, and more
We will have a small vendor fair before the conference and goodie bags for each person who attends.
Lunch is not included in the price of attending. The Hospital Cafeteria will be making 2 special gluten free lunch entrees and have gluten free bread available that day. A list of all of their gluten free items will be available the morning of the conference.
For more information read down through other postings or contact Therese at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com
Speakers will be Dr. Alissio Fasano of the Celiac Disease Research Center in Maryland, Dr Costas Kefalas of Akron Digestive Disease Consultants, Dr Cydney Fenton of Akron Children's Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology Department, Dr Julie Smith of Akron Children's Hospital, Dietitian Trisha Lyons of Metro Health Medical Center and Pharmacist Steve Plogsted of Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus.
In addition to the speaker program for adults we will have a children's program and a special program for parents and tots. The tot and children's activities will include a Bake and Take provided by Food-Tek, A visit from Akron Zoo with animals who eat gluten free, and more
We will have a small vendor fair before the conference and goodie bags for each person who attends.
Lunch is not included in the price of attending. The Hospital Cafeteria will be making 2 special gluten free lunch entrees and have gluten free bread available that day. A list of all of their gluten free items will be available the morning of the conference.
For more information read down through other postings or contact Therese at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Celiac Disease Conference, Saturday March 5, Akron Children's Hospital
Time to get your registration in for the Celiac Disease Conference at Akron Children's Hospital.
The program includes a session for adults, one for school age children, and one specially designed for toddlers and parents. We have cancelled the teen portion of this years program due to lack of participants.
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alessio Fasano
of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research
Additional speakers include:
Dr. Cydney Fenton of Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology
Dr. Costas Kefalas, Akron Digestive Disease Consultants,
Dietitian Trisha Lyons, Celiac Dietitian of Metro Health
Pharmacist Steve Plogsted, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
At this event we will have
adult, children and parent and tot programs and a small vendor fair. Children’s programs will include hands on activities.
The event cost does not include lunch. The hospital cafeteria will have a gluten free entree and gluten free salad entree available for purchase on conference day.
Sponsored by
The Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by:
Akron Celiac Support Group, CSA Chapters 50 & 111&
Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology
Akron Children’s Hospital – Sherman Auditorium
1 Perkins Square
Akron, OH
Registration Form
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Saturday March 5, 2011
Adult Program, School Age Children Program
11:00 noon – 4:30 p.m.
Parent and Child Program for Preschoolers and Young Children
11:00 noon – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Family Name ___________________________________
$ 15 for each adult and
$10 for each child.
Make Checks payable to: Celiac Disease Conference CSA 111
School age (6-12) _____
Preschoolers _____
(Every preschool child must be accompanied by an adult for the entirety of their program. That adult does not pay to attend with their child.)
Teens (13-adult) Teen program has been cancelled for this event due to small number interested. Teens are welcome to join the adult group if they wish. We will be having a teen outing at a later date.
Total number of family members registering______________
Total enclosed $ ___________
Please list first names and age groups for each family member below.
If you would like a confirmation that your registration has arrived please list your email or phone number clearly below.
Make checks payable to Akron Celiac Support Group #50.
Mail to:
Celiac Disease Conference, Attention Esther
640 Fairhill Drive
Akron, Ohio 44313
See you on March 5th!
If you have additional questions you can reach Therese at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com
The program includes a session for adults, one for school age children, and one specially designed for toddlers and parents. We have cancelled the teen portion of this years program due to lack of participants.
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alessio Fasano
of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research
Additional speakers include:
Dr. Cydney Fenton of Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology
Dr. Costas Kefalas, Akron Digestive Disease Consultants,
Dietitian Trisha Lyons, Celiac Dietitian of Metro Health
Pharmacist Steve Plogsted, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
At this event we will have
adult, children and parent and tot programs and a small vendor fair. Children’s programs will include hands on activities.
The event cost does not include lunch. The hospital cafeteria will have a gluten free entree and gluten free salad entree available for purchase on conference day.
Sponsored by
The Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by:
Akron Celiac Support Group, CSA Chapters 50 & 111&
Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology
Akron Children’s Hospital – Sherman Auditorium
1 Perkins Square
Akron, OH
Registration Form
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Saturday March 5, 2011
Adult Program, School Age Children Program
11:00 noon – 4:30 p.m.
Parent and Child Program for Preschoolers and Young Children
11:00 noon – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Family Name ___________________________________
$ 15 for each adult and
$10 for each child.
Make Checks payable to: Celiac Disease Conference CSA 111
School age (6-12) _____
Preschoolers _____
(Every preschool child must be accompanied by an adult for the entirety of their program. That adult does not pay to attend with their child.)
Teens (13-adult) Teen program has been cancelled for this event due to small number interested. Teens are welcome to join the adult group if they wish. We will be having a teen outing at a later date.
Total number of family members registering______________
Total enclosed $ ___________
Please list first names and age groups for each family member below.
If you would like a confirmation that your registration has arrived please list your email or phone number clearly below.
Make checks payable to Akron Celiac Support Group #50.
Mail to:
Celiac Disease Conference, Attention Esther
640 Fairhill Drive
Akron, Ohio 44313
See you on March 5th!
If you have additional questions you can reach Therese at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com
Thursday, February 10, 2011
February Celiac Support Group meeting
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Akron Children's Hospital
Timeline Lobby
2:00 - 3:30
We will hold our annual gluten free bread baking contest. You do not need to bake to attend. We have just 3 catagories this year. 1. Beginner breads from mix, 2. Slightly talented breads from published recipies, 3. Original recipies
Akron Children's Hospital is also holding their radiothon this weekend. Parking may be slightly more crowded.
The conference is less than a month away. Bring your registrations to the meeting, or mail them in to Esther soon.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Akron Children's Hospital
Timeline Lobby
2:00 - 3:30
We will hold our annual gluten free bread baking contest. You do not need to bake to attend. We have just 3 catagories this year. 1. Beginner breads from mix, 2. Slightly talented breads from published recipies, 3. Original recipies
Akron Children's Hospital is also holding their radiothon this weekend. Parking may be slightly more crowded.
The conference is less than a month away. Bring your registrations to the meeting, or mail them in to Esther soon.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Registration for March 5 Celaic Disease Conference
There is still space in all age groups for the March 5 Celiac Disease Conference. Please fill out the registration form below and send it in.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Registration form for Akron Celiac Disease Conference March 5, 2011
Registration Form
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited.
Registration Form
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Saturday March 5, 2011
Adult Program, Teen Program, School Age Children Program
11:00 noon – 4:30 p.m.
Parent and Child Program for Preschoolers and Young Children
11:00 noon – 3:00 p.m.
Family Name ___________________________________
$ 15 for each adult and
$10 for each child.
Make Checks payable to: Celiac Disease Conference CSA 111
Teens (13-adult) ____
School age (6-12) _____
Preschoolers _____
(Every preschool child must be accompanied by an adult for the entirety of their program )
Total number of family members registering______________
Total enclosed $ ___________
Please list first names and age groups for each family member below.
If you would like a confirmation that your registration has arrived please list your email or phone number clearly below.
See you on March 5th!
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited.
Registration Form
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Saturday March 5, 2011
Adult Program, Teen Program, School Age Children Program
11:00 noon – 4:30 p.m.
Parent and Child Program for Preschoolers and Young Children
11:00 noon – 3:00 p.m.
Family Name ___________________________________
$ 15 for each adult and
$10 for each child.
Make Checks payable to: Celiac Disease Conference CSA 111
Teens (13-adult) ____
School age (6-12) _____
Preschoolers _____
(Every preschool child must be accompanied by an adult for the entirety of their program )
Total number of family members registering______________
Total enclosed $ ___________
Please list first names and age groups for each family member below.
If you would like a confirmation that your registration has arrived please list your email or phone number clearly below.
See you on March 5th!
Celiac Disease Conference, Akron Children's Hospital March 5, 2011
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Vendor Fair 9:00 - 1:00
Speakers and Children's Activities 11:00 - 4:30
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alessio Fasano
of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research
Additional speakers include:
Dr. Cydney Fenton of Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology
Dr. Costas Kefalas, Akron Digestive Disease Consultants
Dietitian Trisha Lyons, Celiac Dietitian of Metro Health
Pharmacist Steve Plogsted, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
At this event we will have
Adult, Teen, Children, and Parent and Tot programs
We will begin the day with a vendor fair.
Children’s programs will include hands on activities such as a Bake and Take with Food-Tek, and animals that eat gluten free from the Akron Zoo.
The event does not include lunch. We did this to keep cost at a mimimun. Please plan accordingly. The cafeteria at Akron Children's will have both a gluten free entree and a gluten free salad special available for purchase the day of the event. There will also be vendor samples available during the vendor fair portion of the event.
Sponsored by
The Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by:
Akron Celiac Support Group &
Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology
Akron Children’s Hospital – Sherman Auditorium
1 Perkins Square
Akron, OH
Registration form and information will be available on the internet at
Through Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology Office _ attention K. Smith
or by contacting Therese Semonin at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com
Saturday March 5, 2011
Vendor Fair 9:00 - 1:00
Speakers and Children's Activities 11:00 - 4:30
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alessio Fasano
of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research
Additional speakers include:
Dr. Cydney Fenton of Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology
Dr. Costas Kefalas, Akron Digestive Disease Consultants
Dietitian Trisha Lyons, Celiac Dietitian of Metro Health
Pharmacist Steve Plogsted, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
At this event we will have
Adult, Teen, Children, and Parent and Tot programs
We will begin the day with a vendor fair.
Children’s programs will include hands on activities such as a Bake and Take with Food-Tek, and animals that eat gluten free from the Akron Zoo.
The event does not include lunch. We did this to keep cost at a mimimun. Please plan accordingly. The cafeteria at Akron Children's will have both a gluten free entree and a gluten free salad special available for purchase the day of the event. There will also be vendor samples available during the vendor fair portion of the event.
Sponsored by
The Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by:
Akron Celiac Support Group &
Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology
Akron Children’s Hospital – Sherman Auditorium
1 Perkins Square
Akron, OH
Registration form and information will be available on the internet at
Through Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology Office _ attention K. Smith
or by contacting Therese Semonin at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com
Friday, January 7, 2011
support meeting Sunday January 9
Akron Celiac Support Group meeting this Sunday 2-4 @ Akron Children,s Hospital. Planning and prep for our March 5 conference. Also we need kids, teens and adults, ages 8 and up to fill. Out surveys for a national research project on Celiac. Get your conference registrations in.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Northeast Ohio Celiac Disease Conference
Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alessio Fasano
of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research
Additional speakers include:
Dr. Costas Kefalas, Akron Digestive Disease Consultants,
Dietitian Trisha Lyons, Celiac Dietitian of Metro Health
Pharmacist Steve Plogsted, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Dr. Cydney Fenton, Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology
At this event we will have
adult, teen, children and parent and tot programs and a small vendor fair.
Sponsored by
The Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by:
Akron Celiac Support Group &
Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology
Akron Children’s Hospital – Sherman Auditorium
Bowery Street
Akron, OH
Registration information will be available at the Support group blog at neoceliacs.blogspot.com, or by contacting Therese Semonin at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com and requesting a registration form.
You may fill in and mail the registration form below.
Registration is limited. Registration begins on January 4, 2011
Celiac Disease Conference and Gluten-Free Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the combined Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by Akron Celiac Support Group & Akron Children’s Hospital Endocrinology and Diabetes Department
Akron Children’s Hospital, Main Building, Sherman Auditorium and Timeline Lobby
1 Perkins Square, Akron, OH
Programs for adults, teens and school-age children are from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Programs for preschoolers and their parents/guardians are from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Space is limited and you must pre-register. To keep costs down, we will not be providing meals during the conference. However, you are free to enjoy gluten-free samples from numerous vendors. There is also a cafeteria adjacentto the auditorium. We are trying to make arrangements with them in advance to have a gluten free option available for lunch on that day.
Registration cost is $15 per adult and $10 per child. Discounts are available for those with financial need. Every preschool child must be accompanied by an adult for the entirety of the program. The adult caring for the preschooler is included in the child’s registration fee of $10.
For more information contact:
Therese Semonin
Chapter 111 Celiac Sprue Association
Registration Form
Family name _____________________________________________________
Adults’ names ____________________________________________________
Teens’ names (13-18 yrs) ___________________________________________
School-agers’ names (6-12 yrs) _______________________________________
Preschoolers’ names (3-5 yrs)________________________________________
Number of adults _______ @ $15 each $________
Number teens or school-agers _______ @ $10 each $________
Number of preschoolers _______ @ $10 each $________
Total registration fees $ ________
For confirmation, list your email or phone number_________________________
*Teens: please wear, or bring appropriate clothing for an outdoor activity that will take about 1 hour. This activity will be held rain or shine, warm or cold, and should be great fun.
Make checks payable to Celiac Disease Conference CSA 111.
Detach and return this registration form to:
Celiac Disease Conference Attn: Esther
640 Fairhill Drive
Akron, Ohio 44313
Saturday March 5, 2011
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alessio Fasano
of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research
Additional speakers include:
Dr. Costas Kefalas, Akron Digestive Disease Consultants,
Dietitian Trisha Lyons, Celiac Dietitian of Metro Health
Pharmacist Steve Plogsted, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Dr. Cydney Fenton, Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology
At this event we will have
adult, teen, children and parent and tot programs and a small vendor fair.
Sponsored by
The Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by:
Akron Celiac Support Group &
Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology
Akron Children’s Hospital – Sherman Auditorium
Bowery Street
Akron, OH
Registration information will be available at the Support group blog at neoceliacs.blogspot.com, or by contacting Therese Semonin at tsemonin1@neo.rr.com and requesting a registration form.
You may fill in and mail the registration form below.
Registration is limited. Registration begins on January 4, 2011
Celiac Disease Conference and Gluten-Free Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the combined Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by Akron Celiac Support Group & Akron Children’s Hospital Endocrinology and Diabetes Department
Akron Children’s Hospital, Main Building, Sherman Auditorium and Timeline Lobby
1 Perkins Square, Akron, OH
Programs for adults, teens and school-age children are from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Programs for preschoolers and their parents/guardians are from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Space is limited and you must pre-register. To keep costs down, we will not be providing meals during the conference. However, you are free to enjoy gluten-free samples from numerous vendors. There is also a cafeteria adjacentto the auditorium. We are trying to make arrangements with them in advance to have a gluten free option available for lunch on that day.
Registration cost is $15 per adult and $10 per child. Discounts are available for those with financial need. Every preschool child must be accompanied by an adult for the entirety of the program. The adult caring for the preschooler is included in the child’s registration fee of $10.
For more information contact:
Therese Semonin
Chapter 111 Celiac Sprue Association
Registration Form
Family name _____________________________________________________
Adults’ names ____________________________________________________
Teens’ names (13-18 yrs) ___________________________________________
School-agers’ names (6-12 yrs) _______________________________________
Preschoolers’ names (3-5 yrs)________________________________________
Number of adults _______ @ $15 each $________
Number teens or school-agers _______ @ $10 each $________
Number of preschoolers _______ @ $10 each $________
Total registration fees $ ________
For confirmation, list your email or phone number_________________________
*Teens: please wear, or bring appropriate clothing for an outdoor activity that will take about 1 hour. This activity will be held rain or shine, warm or cold, and should be great fun.
Make checks payable to Celiac Disease Conference CSA 111.
Detach and return this registration form to:
Celiac Disease Conference Attn: Esther
640 Fairhill Drive
Akron, Ohio 44313
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