Monday, January 3, 2011

Northeast Ohio Celiac Disease Conference

Celiac Disease Conference and Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alessio Fasano
of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research

Additional speakers include:
Dr. Costas Kefalas, Akron Digestive Disease Consultants,
Dietitian Trisha Lyons, Celiac Dietitian of Metro Health
Pharmacist Steve Plogsted, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Dr. Cydney Fenton, Akron Children’s Hospital Diabetes and Endocrinology

At this event we will have
adult, teen, children and parent and tot programs and a small vendor fair.

Sponsored by
The Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio

Hosted by:
Akron Celiac Support Group &
Akron Children’s Hospital Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology

Akron Children’s Hospital – Sherman Auditorium
Bowery Street
Akron, OH

Registration information will be available at the Support group blog at, or by contacting Therese Semonin at and requesting a registration form.
You may fill in and mail the registration form below.

Registration is limited. Registration begins on January 4, 2011

Celiac Disease Conference and Gluten-Free Vendor Fair
Saturday March 5, 2011
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Sponsored by the combined Celiac Support Groups of Northeast Ohio
Hosted by Akron Celiac Support Group & Akron Children’s Hospital Endocrinology and Diabetes Department

Akron Children’s Hospital, Main Building, Sherman Auditorium and Timeline Lobby
1 Perkins Square, Akron, OH

Programs for adults, teens and school-age children are from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Programs for preschoolers and their parents/guardians are from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Space is limited and you must pre-register. To keep costs down, we will not be providing meals during the conference. However, you are free to enjoy gluten-free samples from numerous vendors. There is also a cafeteria adjacentto the auditorium. We are trying to make arrangements with them in advance to have a gluten free option available for lunch on that day.

Registration cost is $15 per adult and $10 per child. Discounts are available for those with financial need. Every preschool child must be accompanied by an adult for the entirety of the program. The adult caring for the preschooler is included in the child’s registration fee of $10.

For more information contact:
Therese Semonin
Chapter 111 Celiac Sprue Association


Registration Form
Family name _____________________________________________________
Adults’ names ____________________________________________________
Teens’ names (13-18 yrs) ___________________________________________
School-agers’ names (6-12 yrs) _______________________________________
Preschoolers’ names (3-5 yrs)________________________________________

Number of adults _______ @ $15 each $________
Number teens or school-agers _______ @ $10 each $________
Number of preschoolers _______ @ $10 each $________

Total registration fees $ ________

For confirmation, list your email or phone number_________________________

*Teens: please wear, or bring appropriate clothing for an outdoor activity that will take about 1 hour. This activity will be held rain or shine, warm or cold, and should be great fun.

Make checks payable to Celiac Disease Conference CSA 111.
Detach and return this registration form to:

Celiac Disease Conference Attn: Esther
640 Fairhill Drive
Akron, Ohio 44313


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